Does it Feel Like Something is Coming?

Many people that I have talked to feel like something is going to happen. They feel like things just aren’t right and there will be some type of problem. People react in various ways to this.

Some people think those in authority will figure it out and come up with a solution. The problem is that the usual solution from those in charge is to spend more money and seize more control.

The issue is, that is what created the problem in the first place! We have spent way too much money and we have way too much government control. The entire system can’t take too much more of either one.

Many other people sense there is going to be a problem, but they are so busy, they don’t really think it through. A lot of people are too busy earning a living, plus earning enough to pay their taxes to spend to much time looking at the problem.

A few other people tell me how many guns the American public has and believe we will have another American revolution. They think the public will rise up and get rid of our current form of government and create a new government.

I see a number of problems with this idea. First of all, how will they organize. The government has the ability to shut down most forms of communication. It will be real hard to organize without any phones or internet.

The next problem with this theory is who do you rebel against. Do you shoot the next police officer, or do you fight against your local courthouse, or even your neighbor who happens to work in a public office.

The last problem with rebelling is that half the country relies on the government giving them handouts. So you may find yourself fighting them also.

The last solution people give me is that they will elect someone who will fix  the problem. Really? We have been trying this for the last fifty years and the problem has only gotten bigger!

It is my belief that no one who has a plan to solve the national debt could get elected. They would have to cut too many programs for too many people. They would never get enough votes to win the election.

I see no other option other then to go through a major crash. I think the only chance we have to avoid the destruction of our country as we know it, is if we have a major revival and we repent as a nation and call out to God to help us.

I honestly believe that no man can solve the problems that we as a nation are facing.




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