How to Take Over a Country Without Firing a Shot

This is a very hypothetical post, but you decide for yourself if any of it sounds familiar. Here is a possible scenario if a group wanted to take over a powerful country and was willing to take their time to do it. It is also a good way to keep the resources of the country intact so they could be plundered.

The first thing you would need to do is to gain power over the inhabitants of that country. You don’t have much power over independent individuals, but if you can make people dependent on the government you have more power over them. For example, my dogs are dependent on me for almost everything. I also have complete power over them, even life and death power.

So the best way to get people dependent on the government is to give them free stuff. The more social programs and giveaways you can promise people, the more they will like you and the more dependent they will become. As they become more dependent, you can tell them what to do more, because eventually they won’t be able to survive without the government.

You also will need to gain control of the money system. He who controls the money can make the rules. Precious metals are hard to control, so if you force people to use a currency you control, then you have real power over the economy. The ideal money system is where the ruling elites can create money at will, but no one else can.

Once enough people are dependent on the government and the elites control the money system, you also would want people to obey rules and regulations. The more of them you pass, the more people will expect the government to take care of any problem and as long as they are not hurt by the regulation, they are fine with others being regulated.

Now that you have people dependent, used to obeying the government and you have control of the money, it is time to accelerate the process. Now the goal is to crash the system, so the government can seize control of everything. You do this by creating so much debt and bureaucracy that eventually something will crack.

Since the money system is built solely on confidence and nothing really backing it, sooner or later, it will start to unravel too. Once things get bad enough and many people can’t buy food for their families, crime will rise dramatically. At that point, the population will just want the government to do something about the crime and problems.

Of course, the only thing to do then will be to declare martial law and nationalize the farms and industry to provide for all of these dependent people. And that, boys and girls is how you can take over the most powerful nation on the face of the earth without firing a shot!

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