We’re Setting on a Powder Keg, Ready for the Explosion?

In the modern world today, I feel like we’re setting on a powder keg just waiting for it to explode. Economic instability is rampant and it could be any fuse that sets it off.

Debt is almost completely out of control. Most of the major governments in the world are hopelessly in debt and going further in debt every day. The US government is the world’s largest debtor. We have to borrow money just to pay the interest on our debt.

In addition to this debt, corporations are further in debt than ever before at a time when profits are dropping. Personal debt is also out of control with student debt and auto debt setting new highs.

As if all of this economic instability isn’t enough, in today’s world we are dealing with the lowest interest rates in history. Some countries have actually issued debt with negative interest rates. This is ridiculous! These countries and a few corporations are actually being paid to borrow money!

With interest rates this low, it penalizes saving and encourages borrowing. No wonder we have such a debt problem. People that had hoped to save enough money and retire on the interest, are really getting hurt by these interest rates.

Many people invest in the stock market hoping to get some kind of return on their money. That has driven the stock market to ridiculous valuations. Stocks are selling at higher prices while corporate profits have dropped for the last year.

As if this climate isn’t hard enough for businesses to survive, the government is creating more regulations all of the time. These never ending regulations are making it harder and harder all of the time for businesses to survive.

Over all, we live in a world where all of the debt and other promised payments like retirement and healthcare can never be paid. We are just kicking the can down the road and adding more gunpowder to the keg until something sets it off.

This is the economic situation in a nutshell. Do you really think we have any chance of maintaining our lifestyle for even another ten years?

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