Has Anyone Asked God What He Thinks?

America was founded on Christian principles. That is simply a fact of history. Many of our founding fathers believed in prayer and in the value of Christian morals. They tried to model many of our early laws on biblical principles.

You may or may not believe in God, but if you do believe in the God of Christians, what do you think is God’s opinion of our country today? Do you think He is pleased with the direction our country is headed?

We all think Hitler was a monster for having six million Jews killed in Germany. I think that was a terrible time and I believe God judged Hitler and Germany for that. In America today, we have murdered almost ten times as many innocent babies inĀ  the name of choice!

Do you think God will wink at that and bless us as a nation when Germany had such a high price to pay? God has some very serious thoughts about shedding innocent blood.

When as a nation, we redefine God’s definition of marriage and even promote gay marriage throughout our country, do you think God is pleased with us? He judged Sodom and Gomorrah for the same sin. Will He have to apologize them if He does not judge America for it?

In our movies and media, we promote and glorify many acts that God calls sin. But at the same time, we say ‘God bless America’. Do we really think that is going to happen to our country?

God has blessed America more than any other nation on earth. We have prospered beyond many of our founding fathers dreams. Will that continue, or is all of that about to change?


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